Mobile cloud security

In addition to the aforementioned concerns, securing a mobile cloud introduces the following challenges as discussed in [85] where the authors propose a security model for elastic applications made up of ‘weblets’ that can be migrated to and from a cloud to a mobile device:
authentication between the weblets that would be distributed between the cloud and the device,
authorization for weblets that could be executing on relatively untrusted cloud environments to access sensitive user data, and
establishment and verification of trusted weblet execution cloud nodes.
Their security framework is based on the assumption that the cloud elasticity service (CES), including the cloud manager, application manager, cloud node manager, and cloud fabric interface (CFI), is trustworthy. The security threats are categorized as threats to mobile devices, threats to cloud platform and application container, and threats to communication channels. The authors propose a framework with the following security objectives: Trustworthy weblet containers (VMs) on both device and cloud, authentication and secure session management needed for secure communication between weblets and multiple instantiation concurrently, authorization and access control enforcing weblets on the cloud to have the lowest privileges, and logging and auditing of weblets.
MobiCloud [37] aims to provide a security services architecture for MANET clouds in three ways:
Acting as an intermediary for identity, key, and secure data access policy management: Identity management is supported by Attribute-Based Identity Management (ABIDM), which supports user-centric identity management schemes also known as Identity 2.0. They propose ABKM, a system for key management, which is an extension of identity-based cryptography. However, in ABKM, the Trust Authority (TA) generates private key components for each user depending on their public attributes, and the key exchange protocol is not required. Therefore, this is effective for delay tolerant MANETs where the source and the destination do not usually talk prior to sending the data.
Protect information belonging to mobile users by means of security isolations: MobiCloud has Virtual Trusted and Provisioning Domains (VTaPD), which are virtual domains enforced with resource isolation. A VTaPD contains various nodes corresponding to different physical systems. Nodes in the same VTaPD support the secure MobiCloud communication system when passing messages to each other. A cryptography based approach is used to enforce data access control and information isolation.
Assess risks by monitoring MANET status: the centralized data collection and processing in the MANET is used by the risk management service to identify malicious nodes and take preventive measures according to estimated risks.