Saint Cloud Pharmacy provides compounding services to all medical specialties including Bio identical Hormone Replacement Therapy ,Pain & Sports Medicine,Dermatology,Wound CarePediatrics,Transdermal Preparations, Customized Vitamins,Hospice,Vetinery ,and respiratory. The demand for professional compounding has increased as healthcare professionals and patients realize that the limited number of strengths and dosage forms that are commercially available do not meet the needs of many patients, and that these patients often have a better response to a customized dosage form that is Prescribed by your Doctor
Our pharmacists are highly trained in the signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances in both men and women and work along with your physician to develop a hormone replacement plan that is customized to your needs. Besides utilizing the most common hormones, the three estrogens and progesterone, we also work with testosterone, pregnenolone, cortisol, DHEA, and thyroid hormones. Depending on the patient we can customize a plan to include any combination of these
Compounding combines an ageless art with the latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, allowing specially trained professionals to prepare customized medications to meet each patient’s specific needs. Compounding is fundamental to the profession of pharmacy and was a standard means of providing prescription medications before drugs began to be produced in mass quantities by pharmaceutical manufacturers.