Advantages of Hybrid Clouds
- Hybrid clouds are designed in a manner as to quickly scale the company’s needs. Since several standardized processes run together to achieve harmony between various types of clouds, it makes it the ideal solution to load heavy projects, which cannot be easily handled by a company’s in-house servers. Using the hybrid cloud would also save the company the extra cost of purchasing exclusive server hardware which would otherwise be necessary.
- Hybrid clouds can be operated at any time at all, from any part of the world. This gives them a global reach for businesses that want to spread their reach beyond geographic boundaries. Also, this infrastructure provides fairly reliable connectivity, even in case of outages.
- It could prove to be very expensive for a company to invest in managed hosting providers or outsourcing the same. This technology, on the other hand, is available for very reasonable rates and hence, works out much cheaper for the establishment. Services such as offer their services for about $500 per month for hosting a complete virtual network.
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Security Issues of the Cloud
The fear of insecurity of the cloud is one major aspect that discourages companies from adopting this infrastructure. However, experts on the subject aver that data in the cloud is just about as secure as of that located in a physical server. In fact, many of them are of the view that the data stored in the cloud could actually prove to be more secure than that on a server.
Companies that are so concerned about the safety of data could probably store the most sensitive information on local servers, while exporting all the other data onto the cloud. They could also opt to carry out critical operations in their own data centers, while using the cloud to carry out heavy processing tasks. This way, they could enjoy the advantages of both the types of data storage.
- In Conclusion
The niggling worries of cloud security notwithstanding, it is most certainly emerging as the future of computing. Offering the best features of both public and private clouds, the hybrid cloud infrastructure is no doubt a veritable boon for companies aiming to foray ahead in the market.