Mobile Cloud 2017 will provide a great platform

About the conference

In the recent years, cloud computing has cultivated the outsourcing of computing resources like IT infrastructures, service platforms, and software. With the emergence of ultra-fast 4G mobile networks and highly-featured smartphones, tablets, and wearable computing devices (e.g., with always growing sensing capabilities), the prerequisites are now met for bringing cloud computing to the mobile domain. While first commercial products are restricted to the sharing of files, contacts, etc. among different devices, more sophisticated applications still have to be developed. Future applications of mobile cloud computing will take advantage of the many sensors available on mobile devices, enable new utilization of their generated big data, and have an impact on almost all activities of our socialand business life, and include, but are not limited to, mobile marketing, social networks, smart cities, health care, and business processes.
IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 will provide a great platform to allow researchers and professionals in the industry to exchange their latest research results and development activities on mobile cloud computing and services. The primary objective is to share research ideas and results, emerging industry technologies, and latest advances.

The Power of the Cloud

Juniper Report notes that the key to mobile’s future depends on the processing power of the cloud itself. Cloud-based mobile apps can scale beyond the capabilities of any smartphone. Cloud apps have the power of a server-based computing infrastructure accessible through an app’s mobile interface. It does not only allow non smartphone owner to access the same mobile applications, but allows the apps themselves to become more powerful.

Cloud Apps and the Mobile Marketplace

Earlier this year, Gartner researchers estimated that $7 billion will be generated by the app store businesses and would reach $29.5 billion by 2013. This would grow even more by 2014 when the mobile cloud-based application market is expected to near $9.5 billion. From these comparisons, it appears that in the near future, there will be more growth for both traditional, device-based apps and mobile cloud-based apps.

Cloud-enabled Enterprise Mobility Growth

Juniper Research sees that enterprise will drive mobile growth. It notes that 75% of the mobile cloud-based application market is represented by enterprise users. Thru smartphones mobile apps, corporate users can company data, share files, collaborate on projects and more.  Moreover, there will also be benefits for consumer-oriented apps. In the next four years, mobile apps will comprise an increasing proportion of the total revenues with business plans that involve subscription-based content and mobile advertising.

HTML5 Will Drive Mobile Computing Revolution

ABI Research released a major study in mobile Cloud computing which details how HTML5 technology, mobile applications and mobilized enterprises will lead the growth.
Juniper Research believes that enterprise applications will account for the bulk of mobile cloud app revenues. HTML5, the core language used to create the web, will bring about a dramatic revolution. HTML5 is the proposed standard for next version web markup language. The cloud-based apps offer improved offline data caching, where the apps will still work even if Internet connection is down. HTML5-enabled apps also reduce server load demand which will make cloud-based mobile connectivity as a means to improve access of nations and locales with poor coverage.

Cloud Apps in Your Mobile

Google’s Gmail and Google Voice for iPhone are just two of the well-known mobile cloud apps. Mobile cloud computing is referred to as the infrastructure where both the data storage and the data processing happen outside of the mobile device. From a consumer’s point-of-view, a cloud-based mobile application is similar to an app purchased or downloaded from a mobile application store like iTunes, where the processing power is driven not from the handheld device, but from the cloud. When launched from the iPhone homescreen, the apps perform like any other app on the iPhone.

Cognitive computing and cloud platforms will change the future of the business

As businesses and governments embark on their digital transformation journey, cognition changes how they engage with their clients. 

Enterprises need cognitive solutions that turn vast amounts of data into insights and competitive advantage. They need access to a cloud platform, not only for IT capability, but for speed and agility. To understand this aspect of customer centricity with digital transformation and more, the Delhi chapter of Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) recently organized an interactive session with IBM India Managing Director Karan Bajwa. 

According to Bajwa, the architecture of any such platform must be a hybrid, spanning both public and private clouds, because businesses will want to leverage their existing investments in applications, IT infrastructure and, most of all, their data. In short, to win in the cognitive era, data matters. Businesses control their data and insights matters. 

In the session, the attendees got a deeper understanding of how Cognitive Computing and Cloud Platform solutions can help companies unleash a new era of innovation and growth. Bajwa also talked in depth about IBM's strategy in India to make digital transformation a reality for businesses. 

"IBM's discussions have always been rooted in the fact that the industry is completely reordering. This era of Cognitive and Cloud will change the way business and societies operate. In this era, our clients are going to make three key architecture decisions that is going to determine the course for the next 25 years - cloud, data architecture and artificial intelligence,'' said Bajwa in a statement. 

Drawing upon a specific use case - Cognitive Fashion, IBM Research India, Director Sriram Raghavan shared insights on how Cognitive solutions can help enhance a customer's retail browsing or buying experience, while IBM India/South Asia Partner, Digital, Kurup Prasad presented on how Digital transformation is not about the technology, but more about the organization's aspirations for their customers, employees, and ecosystem.